
Alouann are proud to announce a successful Summer

Windspiel Northern Steel For Alouann

Diego has had a great summer winning BOB, CC, and 3RCC's in the UK at championship shows. He then makes the journey to Conty, France and takes the CACS and Best of Breed. This young dog is making waves everywhere he goes. 

Ir, UK, CIB Ch Alouann Hot N Spicy At Orashan JW Sh CM

Chili wins the CC and BOB at Birmingham Ch Show. At the same show her half brother Romeo "Afterglow Just A Jiglo" takes the DCC. 

Afterglow Jumping Rainbows at Sofico

Axel our clown has come into his own this year. He wins the CC and RBIS at the Midland Afghan Speciality under Mr Bo Bengston (USA) in May in an entry of 183 then goes onto to win the CACS and Best Male at the French Championship before the World Show in some of the best competition the world has to offer. He then came home and took BIS at the Western Afghan Open Show. This boy has only just started.

All our Afghans are sired by UK, Aust Gr, NZ Gr Ch Rainbow Aladin of Jhanzi. Chili is owned by Gail and Roger Link (Orashan), Axel is owned by Alouann and Glenys and Dudley Chadwick (Sofico) and Romeo is owned by Naomi Cowley .

Claire and Liz Millward   www.alouann.com