
NWC specialty info 2012:

Dutch whippet club specialty (double CAC show)
Date:           Sunday 12 February 2012 from 10.00 AM
Breeds:       Whippet and Italian greyhound
Titles:          BOB earns title “Clubwinner 2012”
                   The CAC equals 2 CAC’s, the res.CAC equals 1 full CAC

Location:     Hanzehal, Fanny Blankers-Koenweg 2, 7203 AA Zutphen

Whippet bitches - Mrs C. Brown (Bluestreak Whippets, UK)
Whippet dogs – Mrs R. Holland (Elmanash Whippets, UK)

Italian greyhounds - Mr W. Wiersma (Of Summer’s Joy Whippets, NL)

Closure entries:    21 January 2012

The hardcopy entry form and all information can be found in the NWC clubmagazine of December 2011

For additional information & online entry: www.whippetclub.nl or mail to Katja Brom at: whippets@chello.nl

Zutphen is in the east of the Netherlands (approx. 110 km from Amsterdam & 150 km from Düsseldorf and Dortmund).