
Levy did it again......

Jet's I've Got What It Takes makes it to his third Puppy Best in Show placement on his third show weekend.

14.01.2012 - Ljubljana Sighthound Specialty Show (age almost 8 months)
Levy, again, was given wonderful critiques and comments; Mr Timothy Finney writing: 'supersound mover' - and later he was awarded Puppy Best in Show by Ms Marion Finney in hot competition of numerous excellent puppies.
Our deepest appreciation goes to our judges for rewarding Levy for his outstanding qualities!

Next time Levy will be shown in Budapest dog shows; which will be his last two shows in puppy class, then time comes for him to swim in the deep water.

Owner: Ágnes Dr Koppány - doberkopp.blogspot.com
Breeder: Kari & Espen Engh - jetgreyhounds.com
Handler & Trainer: Anna Szabó - annaszabo.blogspot.com