
Absoliuti Idile kennel News Flash

Absoliuti Idile kennel proudly present show news from last month:

2012-03-10 International CACIB all breeds show "Lithuanian Winner 2012" in Vilnius, Lithuania (judge Marianna Holm (FI)):

Our whippet baby ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY BIANCA RYAN "Lola" - v.promising 1 and BEST PUPPY (handler - co-owner Reda Vengalyte)
Her mother HER MAJESTY DOMINIJA "Meda" - Ex.1, CAC in champion class, CACIBShow Winner and BEST OF BREED

Second day 2012-03-11 International CACIB all breeds show "Vilnius Cup 2012" in Vilnius, Lithuania (X group judge Maria-Luise Doppelreiter (AU)):

Our whippet baby ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY BIANCA RYAN "Lola" - v.promising 1, BEST PUPPY and.. BEST IN SHOW PUPPY-2!

2011-03-27 National CAC Dog Show in Siauliai, Lithuania (judge Nemanja Jovanovic, Serbia):

HER MAJESTY DOMINIJA "Meda" won champion class, CAC, Winner, BOB and BIG-2
At this same day "Meda" was titled as Siauliai City Cynologilac club TOP Dog - 2' 2011"