
Borzois Rotterdam int. show

Judge Mrs. Ingram (Ireland)

BOB  Ch. Ischyma Irtysch    
BOS  JCh. Anuszka z Jurajskich Biskupic

Complete results at European borzoi

Waiting for pictures from the show also from other breeds. You can email them to w.bisschoff@chello.nl


In memoriam

What we have enjoyed, we can never lose all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. - Helen Keller


Happen’z Dare To Dream

This beautiful puppy male ‘’Happen’z Dare To Dream ‘’ is looking for a lovely home.
He is out of MBIS,MSBIS Can.Am.Gr.Ch. Mahali Arriva Sandpiper and M.Ch.SBIS
Happen’z Anasthasia. At the age of 6 month he is trained for all situation of the life
and has a character to die for.He has all teeth and is a great mover with very easy handling.

More pics under www.Happenz-Afghans.de
                  Contact: A.C.Woehler@-online.de