
2 litters of Portuguese waterdogs born:

2 litters of Portuguese waterdogs born:

Breeders are Luc & Ellen Rijnbeek from kennel American Dancer's in the Netherlands
Goal for breeding is  Health & Type & Character

All Parents are tested for Hips and DNA tested for GM1 & JDCM & PRA & Improper coat.

litter 1: born March 14th: 7 males and 4 bitches all wavy, black with some white markings. Parents CH American Dancer's Never Expected & CH American Dancer's Wanna have fun.

Litter 2: born on March 20th: 2 males and 5 bitches all wavy, 3 browns and the rest black. Parents CH Go and win comes back to American Dancer's & American Dancer's Melt my Heart.

for more info or pictures go to the website www.waterdogs.nl