
The kids best frend's lucky's Charm NJK

CAC and BOS int show Maastricht day 1, 2013: American Staffordshire terrier: The kids best frend's lucky's Charm NJK. -

Breeder: Lenny Mahdaoui from the kids best frend's kennel .

Owner Lenny Mahdaoui from The kids best frend's kennel.

Judge Mw. J Kealy,Ireland.
Newsflash: Lucky Charm wins a reserve CAC at the 2nd show day in Maastricht. 


ShowSight Magazine (online)


Best in Show Melbourne Royal 2013


Like father Like daughter...


NEWS Flash !! Taylor wins exc. 1 junior CAC and res. CAC at the int show in Maastricht under judge Mr. Benjamin Sanchez Garcia from Spain and is NOW DUTCH JUNIOR CHAMPION !!! In 5 shows she won 2x CAC 3x res CAC, 3 x junior CAC and BEST OF BREED !! All from JUNIOR CLASS.


Specialty Dutch Beagle Club

Judge Mr. M. Mannucci (IT)

Owner A. Ellens and A.G Fierstra
Basic Drives Kennel 

Ch. Singing in The Rain civitas Terdesti

1exc Champion class Best Bitch and