*What do you think of the overall quality of the current borzois?
Sadly we see many very refined dogs lacking substance with very narrow heads and ditto muzzle NOT powerful at all. We also see Borzois with big ears and not the typical rose ears that should be small and fine in quality.
Movement should be that of effortless power, endurance, speed, agility, smoothness and grace. But many dogs move with short steps and no reach and drive. Toplines are still a problem and a topline like a that is not flexible is a big anatomic
fault and NOT typical for a borzoi.
This is what the FCI standard says about the back : Broad, muscled, elastic, forming with the loin and croup a curve which is more pronounced in the males. The highest point of this curve is situated ahead of the middle of the loin or in the region of the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebra. So no extreme bumps !!!
*Do you have something you would like to say to exhibitors, breeders and handlers?
First of all ENJOY your dog(s) not matter what. If they win or lose also very important is their well-being and health: coat, muscle condition AND mental condition.
And try to look at the dogs with an objective view also to the dogs not owned by you or your friends. For the future of all breeds it is important to BE HONEST and see the quality in OTHER nice dogs. And always remember that whatever the judge will say about your dog(s) you bring your dog(s) home and you should love them just as much, no matter what the results are. Do not see dogs as objects but as living creatures.