
Another great year for Agha Djari's

We want to thank ALL our owners first of all for a loving home, and those, who show their dogs, for their support and hard work ! Have a great, successful, but first of all, peaceful 2012 with less intrigues, lies and hate, something, what is getting more and more in this HOBBY !!!! Shouldn't be a hobby fun ??? Well, those people, without a "normal life", see this HOBBY as their life, need maybe those fights and hate to feel important, so, let them talk :-) ….
In 2012, Agha Djari's will celebrate his 25th anniversary, stronger than ever, and the best is hopefully yet to come….


Here are the highlights for 2011 !

C-litter (born July 2010)

Agha Djari's Code Red, "Curtiz"
(Germany): Bundesjugendsieger 2011, FCI -European Jr.Winner (plus Jr.Goupe-1 Jr-BIS-3 ), German and VDH Jr.Ch, Jr. Winner Donaueschingen, Brabo Jr.Winner, Amsterdam Jr. Winner,Multi Jr.Landessieger
Agha Djari's Clean The Scene, "Cameron"
(Germany): German and VDH Jr. Ch, Jr SBIS, Multi Jr. Landessieger, SBOS from the Jr.class
Agha Djari's Closer To The Edge, "Morrisson"
(Finland): shown just twice so far, he won the most important Jr title in Finland, Helsinki Jr.Winner (out of 12)
Agha Djari's Cross My Heart, "Foxi"
(Norway): Norw.Jr.Winner, Nordic Jr.Winner, 2x Cruftsqual., 8 CAC, 4 Res.CAC, 6 BOB,
Groupe Winner not 18 months, 2x Groupe-2, 2x Groupe-3
Agha Djari's Cloud Nine, "Crazy"
(Germany) German and VDH Jr.Ch, Multi Landesjg.sieger.
Agha Djari's Cat On A Hot Tinroof, "Calista"
(Germany) Austrian Jr. Ch., Austrian Bundesjugendsieger, Austrian Club Jr.Winner
Agha Djari's Capture The Moment, "Anush"
(Italy), Best Puppy 

B-litter (Born Dec.2009)
Ch.Agha Djari's Blue Steel, "Zar"
(USA), USA Champion, not 2 yrs.old, always owner-handled
Agha Djari's Blue Blood, "Pacino"
(Finland), Multi-CAC-CACIB-BOB Winner, Multi Groupe-2, not 2 yrs.old
Ch.Agha Djari's Bonfire Of Vanities, "Louis"
(France), French Champion, not 2 yrs old, BOB winner, WD at the French Ntl.
Agha Djari's Benjamin Button, "Benjamin"
(Netherlands), Nl Jr.Ch., VDH-ChA, Res.CAC from Jr.class
Ch.Agha Djari's Burlesque, "Dita"
(Belgium), USA and French Ch.,Belgiums No.1 bitch 2011, WB at USA specialties,Multi SBISweeps, BOB at French Championship show over 140 afghans, 16 months old., waiting yr. for her Intl. Championship
Ch.Agha Djari's Black Eyed Pea, "Rysia"
(Poland), Polish Ch., Multi Groupe-Winner, Polish Winner 2011, Waiting-year. Intl.Championship with 16 months 

A-litter (Born June 2009)
Ch.Agha Djari's Another Part Of Me, "Sueno"
(Switzerland), All Breed BIS Winner, Multi BOB-Winner and Groupe-Placer in France and Germany, VDH and Mont. Champion, Waiting year for his Intl.,German, Suisse Ch.
Agha Djari's Asphalt Jungle, "William"
(Germany) BOB Winner in Germany, Multi Landessieger Germany,Waiting- year for his German and VDH Champion
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's All By Myself Gainboroughs,"Ally"
(Germany) Germany's No.1 Afghan 2011, VDH-European Champion 2011, Afghan Year Winner 2011, 3 SBIS, Multi BOBS, CACs,Cacibs
SBIS Agha Djari's Absolutely Fabulous, "Patsy"
(Germany), Waiting-Year for her German and VDH Championship 

Z-litter (Born Jan.2009)
Ch.Agha Djari's Zucchero, "Zarim"
(Germany), Finished his German, VDH and Intl.Ch. at his very first shows after the waiting-year, Dan. Croat.Ch.
Agha Djari's Zingular Zinsation, "Riesling"
(Germany) In the waiting-year for his German Championship with just 5 shows
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's Zanzibar, "Zuri"
(Germany) Finished her German and VDH Championship at her very first show after the waiting year, In the waiting year for the Intl. Championship with 3 shows in a row, Luxembourg Champion plus BOB over 59 afghans,
SBIS in Switzerland, Multi-Groupe-Placer
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's Zahara, "Zahara"
(Russia), SBIS in Russia, Multi-Groupe-Winner, Finished her Intl. Championship and several countries. Zahara has for the moment 11 Championships, not 3 yrs old !
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's Zen At Winterbourne, "Zen"
(Canada) Wins her third SBIS in USA, Multi-BOB winner in Canada,
BOS at the Canadian Ntl. 

Y-litter (born Sept. 2008, just 2 pups)
Ch.Agha Djari's You Oughtta Know, "Esthelle"
(Belgium), finished her 4th championship, the Luxembourg Champion plus BOB 

X-litter (born July 2008, just 3 pups)
Ch.Agha Djari's Xpect No Less, "Robin"
(Germany), finished his German and VDH Ch.at his very first show after the waiting-year,
Multi CACIB/BOB winner
Ch.Agha Djari's Xception To The Roule, "Shani Lou"
(Germany), finished her Intl., German and VDH Ch. at her very first show after the waiting-year, Danish Champion, Waiting-year Austrian Ch., Multi BOB Winner, Winner Beauty & Performance
Ch.Agha Djari's Xtravaganza, "ZaZa"
(Sweden), Finished her Swedish & Norw. Champion , Multi Cacib Winner , SpecialtyBOS 

W-litter (born July 2007)
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's World Is Not enough, "Giorgio"
(UK) wins another SBIS over 140 afghans and is in the waiting year for his Intl. Ch.
BIS Ch.Agha Djari's Wait 'Til You See Me, "Wesley"
(Estonia) wins several more BOB , Groupes and the titles "Latvian Winner 2011", "Vilnius Winner 2011", "Estonian Winner 2011"
Ch. Agha Djari's Wicked Games, "Derek"
(Finland), finished his Swedish and Intl. Championship
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's Wilson Of Xenos, "Wilson"
(Canada), shown just once, wins SBOS to his daughter Zen in USA
Ch.Agha Djari's Witchcraft, "Lotte"
(Germany), finished her German and VDH Champion
Ch.Agha Djari's Who's That Girl, "Isadora"
(Finland), shown just once after her litter, wins Res. CAC at the Swedish Ntl. 

V-litter (born Oct 2006)
Ch.Agha Djari's Visual Effect, "Yasir"
(Germany), finished his 6th championship, the Danish Championship 

U-litter (born June 2006)
BIS Ch.Agha Djari's Unplugged Version, "Colin"
(Germany) , FCI-European Champion 2011, plus BOB, Groupe-1 and BIS over 7200 dogs, German Bundessieger 2011, plus BOB , Groupe-1 and BIS-3 (5300 dogs), New Belgium Champion, Landessieger Germany,
Eukanuba World Challenge Representer Orlando/USA
BIS Ch.Agha Djari's Urban Cowboy , "Moritz"
(Finland), just shown 6 times in Finland, he won 2 more Groups, and BIS-3 at Helsinki Winner show (8300 dogs). In USA, he won 2 Winners Dog, BOW, and two 5 point majors at specialties at the Ntl.weekend.
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's U Got The Look, "Freddie"
(France), New Luxemb. Champion, Waiting Year for his Intl.Championship,
Multi BOB, Groupe-Winner in France.
SBIS Ch.Agha Djari's U Got The Love, "Sadie"
(Germany), shown just once in 2011, finished her Intl. Championship, going BOB and Group-1
SBIS Ch.Untold Of Xenos, "Tony"
(Germany) shown after a break for more than 1 yr. winning CACIBs/BOBs in Germany and Switzerland
BIS Ch.Under A Spell, "Sophie"
(Ireland), wins several BOBs and Group -Placings 

T-litter (born Jan 2006)
Ch.Agha Djari's Truly Shekinah, "Tyson"
(Germany) wins BOB at a Specialty after a showbreak for more than 2 years
Ch.Agha Djari's True Lies, "Ralphie"
(USA), wins several BOB, AOM at specialties and finished his Grand Championship
Ch.Agha Djari's Take A Chance On Me, "Tiny"
(now living in Thailand) wins several Groups and finished her Thailand Champion 

R-litter (born March 2006)
SBIS WW-Ch.Agha Djari's Reflection Of Xenos, "Reeva"
(Germany), shown just 5 times in 2011, wins German Bundessieger 2011, Austrian Bundessieger 2011, finished her 10th and 11th Championship (Belgium & VDH) and started her Suisse and Austrian Championship. She has 20 registered titles now.
SBIS Ch,Agha Djari's Revenge Of Xenos, "Rush"
(USA), wins several BOB and SBOS and finished his American Grand championship 

Q-litter (Sept. 2005)
BIS Ch.Agha Djari's Question Of Honour, "Quadey"
(Southafrica) finished his incredible career as Southafrica's top winning Afghanhound of all time, winning the 4rth National in a row (under M.Canalizo) and more than 30 BIS…
Ch.Agha Djari's Quicksilver, "Legolas"
(Finland), finished his Baltic and Lithuanian Championship 

P-litter (March 2005)
SBIS Ch. Agha Djari's Per JJ, "Amber"
(Germany), finished her Austrian Championship, her 30th registered title .. 

L-litter (Oct. 2002)
Ch.Agha Djari's Let sleeping Dogs Lie, "Laszlo"
finished his German Veteran Champion with 3 shows in a row. 

K-litter (Sept. 2002)
Ch.Agha Djari's Kick Inside "Kaya"
(Germany) wins BOS at a specialt from the veteran class and finished her German Veteran Champion with 3 shows in a row.


(Jr.WorldWinner-2010.Ch.Scaramis U Make Me Wanna x Bakaaras In A Heartbeat, imp.USA)

Breeder: Marc Linnér, Knl.AWBARI, Sweden.

Photo by Kristy Bello


NWC specialty info 2012:

Dutch whippet club specialty (double CAC show)
Date:           Sunday 12 February 2012 from 10.00 AM
Breeds:       Whippet and Italian greyhound
Titles:          BOB earns title “Clubwinner 2012”
                   The CAC equals 2 CAC’s, the res.CAC equals 1 full CAC

Location:     Hanzehal, Fanny Blankers-Koenweg 2, 7203 AA Zutphen

Whippet bitches - Mrs C. Brown (Bluestreak Whippets, UK)
Whippet dogs – Mrs R. Holland (Elmanash Whippets, UK)

Italian greyhounds - Mr W. Wiersma (Of Summer’s Joy Whippets, NL)

Closure entries:    21 January 2012

The hardcopy entry form and all information can be found in the NWC clubmagazine of December 2011

For additional information & online entry: www.whippetclub.nl or mail to Katja Brom at: whippets@chello.nl

Zutphen is in the east of the Netherlands (approx. 110 km from Amsterdam & 150 km from Düsseldorf and Dortmund).


AKC/Eukanuba National Championship: Standard Poodles 2011:

Top Show Whippets Holland 2011 after 17 shows (18 total)

Below the latest top 5 (from NWC magazine) waiting for the final results who will be published in the next NWC Magazine.

1)  1)  WoodbrooksAsk Me How I Feel br: U. Timonen & S. Miettinen own: T. Groenendijk & C. Lee – 167 (9 shows)
2)  2)  DiamondKing Love Me Tender br: C. Perez own: D & G Cloes 131 (8 shows)
3)  3)  Supeta’sZiggylicious br: S & F. Mycroft own: M. Veenstra 64 (14 shows)
4)  4)  Spinneyhill Holly Berry  br: P.J. Morgan own: J.w. Akerboom-vd. Schaaf 47 (4 shows)
5)  5) BoxingHelena ’s Jester’s Joy br: B. Scheerens own: B. Scheerens & L. Dams 37 (6 shows)


1)  1)  HelloWorld Di Mahana br: D. Delabelle own: J.W. & K. Akerboom-vd. Schaaf 225 (11 shows)
2)  2)  SandlineGolden Lady br/own: D. Cloes 59 (5 shows)
3)  3)  DeliriousHot Pursuit br: J.P. Brom own: A. de Pender & J.P. Brom 54 (8 shows)
4)  4)  CremeAnglaise J’aime la Vie br: J.W. Akerboom-vd. Schaaf own: J. Laeven 49 (7 shows)
5)  5) Shiny Sensations First Sensation br: M. Veenstra own: M. Veenstra & E. Valkenburg 48 (11 shows)

* Congratulations to owners and breeders.

Is the name of your dog in the top 5? Mail us a quality picture and we post it for free (w.bisschoff@chello.nl)


“London” Won BIS in AKC/Eukanuba National Championship 2011

GCH Jaset’s Satisfaction

Handled by: Ann Rairigh.

Owners B Harris & MJ Winters.

Breeders/owners Sandra Tompkins & Chris Bailey.


Southgrove Whippets - Puppies expected:

Future dad: Tappinskis How to Look Like Daddy

Future mom: Southgrove All My Luck

Puppies are expected in the 3rd week of januari 2012 !! For more information contact Mrs. Deke Bellinga - Southgrove Whippets, the Netherlands


Lark JW

Linalkin Meadow Lark wins her Junior warrant

Sire Elmanash Elixir
Dam Linalkin bue meadow

Proudly owned & loved by Debbie Ormond Denimonde whippets
Bred by Linda Jull

Thankyou to all the judges who thought Lark worthy of winning such large classes.
Linda & I are looking forward to campaigning Lark in 2012 & then early  2013 she will be mated to
NL & US CH. Woodbrook's Ask Me how I Feel W’10’11 #one Whippet ’10 #one Whippet Male’11

SBIS/BIS English CH Abica's Lucky 'leven

Levin has been shown from May - Dec 2011 with following results:
In Denmark:
No. 1 Afghan 
Danish Champion
Danish Winner 2011
Sighthound Club Jubileum Winner 2011
Best in Show - International KC Show
Best in Show - Sighthound Specialty
Multiple group placements
In Nordic/Europe:
Swedish Champion
Norwegian Champion
Nordic Champion
Amsterdam Winner 2011
Donaueschingen Winner 2011
Nordic Winner 2011
Multiple group placements
THANK YOU to all the judges, 
Kresten Scheel, Birgitta Svarstad, Iren Naarits, Magnus Hagstadt, 
Henrik Johansson, Stefan Sinko, Knut Blutecher, Robert Blumel
Zola Rawson, George Kostopoulos, Brett Hamilton, Niclas Ericsson & Anette Bystrup, 
who have found Levin worthy of all these wins.
Owner: Abica's & Sue Oakley, Denmark
Photo: Mikael Nilsson


Dog Show Poop - Show News USA

GCH CH Banana Joe v Tani Kazari     

Dog Show Poop Show News USA


# One Whippet male Holland 2011

Group winning NL & USA Ch. Woodbrooks Ask Me How I Feel W’10’11

 (Ch. Fanfares Special Export x Ch. Sobers Florianne)


  # ONE 2011 -2011

    Breeders: Unto Timonen & Sampo Miettinen 
     Owners: Tony Groenendijk & Charlotte G Lee

 Thank you judges: 

Mrs. Anita Gielisse, Mr. Marijn v. Iersel, Mrs. Helen Lee James, Mr. Evert Wieldraaijer, Mr. Jan Coppens, Mr. Wim Wiersma, Mr. Yochai Barak, Mr. Magnus Hagstedt, Mr. Tony Rainey, Mr. Markku Mahonen.


Agha Djari's NEWS FLASH


4th of Dec 2011, Finnish-Winner show 2011, Helsinki,
judges: Gerard Jipping/NL (breed), Rafael De Santiago (Group) (BIS)

Multi BIS-SBIS Ch. Agha Djari's Urban Cowboy, "Moritz" wins CACIB/BOB/Groupe-1 and finally 3.BIS over 8000 dogs !!! Wowww…

3rd of Dec 2011, Helsinki-Winner show 2011, Helsinki/Finland, judge: R.de Santiago/USA:

Moritz's son "Morrison", Agha Djari's Closer To The Edge, wins Helsinki Junior winner 2011, out of 11 males !
the young Agha Djari's Blue Blood, "Pacino", wins CAC and 2nd Best male over 30 males, incl. many specials, not 2 yrs old !

3rd of Dec. 2011, Intl.KC show Wels/Austria, breeder-judge: Stephen Wheeler/Swe ("Jacosta")
Multi-Ch.Agha Djari's Xception To The Roule, "Shani Lou", wins the ch.class, CACA/CACIB/BOB and has now 3 austrian CACs !

27th of Nov.2011, Norwegian Winner Show, breeder-judge: Stephen Wheeler/Swe ("Jacosta"):

Agha Djari's Cross my Heart, "Foxi" the current No. 2 bitch in Norway, just 17 months old, had her last appearance in Norway in the Junior class, winning the Norwegian Junior Winner 2011, Best bitch -4 and Res.CAC !

20th of Nov.2011, Danish Sighthound Specialty, judge: sighthoundspecialist Per Lundström/Swe:

What a debut for Summer Agha Djari's Double Dare, "Summer" wins Puppy Best In show at her very first show with a super critique !

19th of Nov.2011, KC show Tucson/AZ, USA, judge: John Shelton/USA:

Ch.Agha Djaris's True Lies, "Ralphie" wins BOB over 6 specials (plus major in males and bitches) 


Pepper"- Dt.-JCh, BISS, Dt. Ch Amadeus semper-crescendo
(BIS Feivel of Dulmanian Stars x Ch VDH, Ch Club, LS- NRW, LS Weser-Ems, BISS Mc Kilroy Lisa Lustig).